Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Circumcision in Islam

Circumcision in Islam is not only done on men, but also to women. Circumcision for men is to cut all of the foreskin (skin) that covers the tip of the penis, while for women is to cut the skin of the prominent (and above) vagina saja.Dalam Islam, circumcision is one of self-purification media and evidence of our obedience to the teachings religion. In a hadith the Prophet s.a.w. said:
"Purity of (nature) that there are five: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hairs, shortening the whiskers and cut nails"
(H. R. Bukhari, Muslim).

In the book Encyclopedia of Islamic Law, editor Abdul Aziz Dahlan et al., Jakarta, 1997, Vol 3 in section Khitan explained as follows: Khitan (derived from the Arabic root word-yakhtanu khatana-khatnan = cut). In terms of understanding circumcision differentiated between men and women. According to Imam al-Mawardi, madhhabs Shafi'i fiqh scholars, circumcision for men is to cut the skin that covers the tip of the penis, so be open. While female circumcision is to remove part of the clitoris or lump Faraj small tissue found on the upper end of the hole vulva female genitalia. Circumcision for men is called also I'zar and for women called khafd. But both are commonly called circumcision.

Legal Khitan
In Islamic jurisprudence, the law distinguished between circumcision for men and women. The scholars disagree about the law of circumcision for both men and women.
1.Hukum circumcision for men:
According jumhur (majority of scholars), the law of circumcision for men is mandatory. Proponents of this opinion is imam Shafi'i, Ahmad, and some followers of Imam Malik. Imam Hanafi said that circumcision is obligatory but not fardlu.Menurut popular history of imam Malik, he said circumcision is Sunnah. So is the history of the Hanafi and Imam Hasan al-Basri said the Sunnah. But for priests Malik, sunna if abandoned sinners, because according to the Maliki madhhab Sunnah is between fadlu and nadb. Ibn abi Moses of Hanbali scholars also said the sunnah muakkadah.Ibnu Qudama in his book Mughni said that circumcision is obligatory for men and the glory for women, suppose an adult male circumcision to Islam and fear it is not obligatory for him, together with the obligation wudlu and bath could fall if the feared harm the soul, then circumcision too.
The theorem is used as a foundation that circumcision is not mandatory.
1. Salman al-Farisi when Islam was not told to circumcision;
2. Hadiths above mentioned series of practice Sunna circumcision Dalan like shave her armpits and shorten the nail, then logically also sunna circumcision.
3. Hadiths Ayaddad bin Aus, the Messenger of Allah said:
"Circumcision is Sunnah for men and women preferred"

But the word sunnah in the hadith is often expressed for the traditions and customs of the Prophet either mandatory or not and circumcision here including the wajib.Adapun the arguments used as the basis of the scholars who said that circumcision is mandatory are as follows:
1.Dari Abu Hurairah the Prophet s.a.w. said that the prophet Abraham perform circumcision at the age of 80 years, he circumcision using the hatchet. (H. R. Bukhari). Abraham do when ordered to circumcision when he was 80 years old. This shows how powerful the command circumcision.
2.Kulit that in front of the genitals exposed to unclean when urinating, if not circumcised then the same with people who touch the unclean in his body so that the prayer is invalid. Prayer is worship compulsory, everything becomes a prerequisite to prayer is obligatory.
3.Hadist narrated by Abu Dawood and Ahmad, the Messenger of Allah said to Kulaib: "Dispose of infidelity and berkhitanlah hair." Allah commands s.a.w. show liability.
4.Diperbolehkan open genitals during circumcision, whereas open aurat forbidden. This shows that circumcision is obligatory, because it is not allowed anything that is prohibited except for something very strong law.
5.Memotong limbs that can not grow back and the accompanying pain is not possible except in the case required, such as hand amputation for thieves law.
6.Khitan is a Muslim tradition since the time of Prophet Muhammad until today and no one leaves, then there is no reason to say it is not mandatory.
2.Khitan for women
Legal circumcision for women has been a discussion of the scholars. Some say it is sunnah and some say it's a virtue alone and no one says wajib.Perbedaan opinions of legal scholars about circumcision for women is due to the hadith about the history of female circumcision which is still disputed kekuatannya.Tidak no valid hadiths that explain the law of female circumcision. Ibn Mundhir say that there is no hadith which can be used as references for the problem of female circumcision sunnah and nothing that can be used as basis. All the hadiths narrated female circumcision has sanad dlaif or lemah.Hadist most popular of female circumcision is the hadith of Umm 'Atiyah ra, an interpreter female circumcision, Rasulllah said to him:
"O Umm Atiyah, Just a little cut, because it adds a beautiful face and honor for husband"

This hadith narrated by Bayhaqi, Hakim from Dhahhak bin Qais. Abu Dawud also narrated a similar hadith but all dlaif history and there is no strong. Abu Dawud himself supposedly narrated this hadith to show kedlaifannya. Thus described by Ibn Hajar in the book Talkhisul Khabir.Mengingat no strong hadith about this female circumcision, Ibn Hajar narrated that some scholars and history of the priest Syafi'iyah Ahmad said there was no suggestion circumcision for perempuan.Sebagian scholars say that the Eastern women (region of the Arabian Peninsula) is recommended circumcision, while Western women from the African region are not required circumcision because they do not have a need to cut the skin that often interfere with or cause a lack of comfort women themselves.
What was cut from women
Mawardi Imam said that the circumcision of women who cut the skin above the woman's vagina is shaped like a chicken cengger. The recommended is cutting some skin is not removed in its entirety. Imam Nawawi also explain the same thing that the circumcision of women is to cut the bottom skin of the vagina in women. But in its application a lot of mistakes made by Muslims in performing female circumcision, with exaggerated vital tool in the cutting section of women. As quoted Dr. Muhammad bin Lutfi Al-Sabbag in his book about circumcision that fatal mistake in carrying out female circumcision is common in Sudan and the Indonesian Muslim community. Mistakes in the form of cutting not only the upper skin vital tool of women, but also cut through all the meat that stands out on a vital tool of women, including the clitoris so that the only remaining urinary tract and the cervix. This model circumcision in Arab society known as "Circumcision Pharaoh".
Several medical studies prove that circumcision like this could cause a negative impact on both women's health and psychological, such as the cause of women is not stable and reduce sexual desire. Even some medical experts claim that circumcision this model also can cause a variety of sex on perempuan.Seandainya pernyakit hadiths concerning female circumcision on valid, then there was the Messenger of Allah prohibit excessive in menghitan girls. The prohibition of the Prophet s.a.w. are legally able to indicate prohibition of such action. Moreover, if proven that excessive or errors in carrying out female circumcision can cause a negative impact, then certainly prohibition of such action.
With the above considerations in some circles of contemporary scholars state that can not be guaranteed if the implementation of proper female circumcision, especially when it is committed against a girl who was a baby, which is generally difficult to be able to carry out female circumcision in moderation, then you should not do female circumcision. Yet there is no authentic hadith of the underlying.

Time circumcision
When circumcision is obligatory upon baligh, because at that time required to perform their prayers. Without circumcision, prayer is not perfect because that which is sacred legal requirements can not pray sunnah is terpenuhi.Adapun time before baligh. While the effort (a good choice to be implemented) is the seventh day after birth, or 40 days after birth, or also recommended at the age of 7 years. Qadli Husain says should enter into circumcision at age 10 because at that time ordered the child began praying. Ibn Mundhir said that circumcision at the age of 7 days because it is legal makruh Jewish tradition, but there is a history that the Messenger of Allah circumcise Hasan and Husayn, the grandson of him at age 7 days, as did the prophet Abraham is said to circumcise his son Isaac at age 7 hari.Ibnu Abbas was asked, which means: "Who are you when Rasululloh age sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam died?" Ibnu Abas said: "I was at that time was already circumcised, and the people (those days) did not circumcise male until he baligh." (HR: Al-Bukhari) Women circumcised at infancy.
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