Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Khitanatau circumcision or circumcision (UK: Circumcision) is the act of cutting or eliminating some or all of the front cover of the penile skin. Frenulum of the penis can also be cut together in a procedure called frenektomi. The word circumcision comes from Latin circum (meaning "play") and caedere (meaning "cut").
In Arabic circumcision is also used as another name for male and female genitalia as in the hadith which says
"If a meeting was held two circumcision, it has been obliged to take a bath"
(H. R. Muslim, Tirmidhi, etc..).

Circumcision has been performed since prehistoric times, judging from the pictures in the cave that comes from the Stone Age and ancient Egyptian tomb. The reason for this action is still unclear at that time but the theories predict that this action is part of a ritual sacrifice or offering, a sign of surrender to the Almighty, a step towards maturity, a sign of defeat or slavery, or attempt to alter esthetics or sexuality. Circumcision in men is required in Islam and Judaism. This practice is also found among the majority population of South Korea, America, and Filipina.Sunat in infants has been discussed in recent decades. American Medical Association (AMA) states that medical associations in the United States, Australia and Canada do not recommend routine circumcision of non-therapeutic (rather than religious reasons, not ritual, and not medically deperlukan) in male infants laki.Menurut AMA literature in 1999, parents in the U.S. chosen to perform circumcision on their children mainly due to social or cultural reasons than for health reasons.
However, the survey in 2001 showed that 23.5% of parents do it by citing "health". The genital integrity advocates condemn all acts of circumcision on babies because they think it is a form of male genital mutilation which can be equated with the banned female circumcision in the U.S.. Some experts argue that circumcision is beneficial to health. Circumcision is necessary to treat chronic bleeding of the penis, and penile cancer. Some doctors recommend circumcision to treat fimosis, while others suggested other methods of effective treatment for this condition.

Avail circumcision
As expressed by medical experts that circumcision has health benefits for members of the body because waste is a place of hiding dirt, viruses, unclean and unpleasant smell. Urine contains all the elements. When out past the skin that covers the genitals, then the sewage sludge is partially blocked by the skin. More and more sediment. You can imagine how long someone did piss in a day and how much sediment deposited by genital skin cover in a year. Therefore, some medical studies prove that people with venereal disease more than kelangan are not circumcised. Similarly dangerous disease AIDS, genital cancer and even ovarian cancer also affects more by couples who are not circumcised.

In addition it is also medically proven, the head of the penis sensitive to nerve stimuli because many contain erotic. This makes the head of the uncircumcised penis is more sensitive than the circumcised. Thus, circumcision was also helping to prevent premature ejaculation. It's also become one of the reasons that non-Muslims in Europe and the United States to conduct circumcision.
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